The other week I had the pleasure and honor of teaching 16 managers within the Swedish police basic project management techniques. Rather than merely focusing on how to do it, we explored the consequences of the organizational form and how that may influence the individual, the project and the organization. Moreover we situated the project within the larger organization discussing and working with the challenges that follow when there is multiple projects at the same time. All in all, three full days of executive teaching and great fun!
Tag: projects
Tristess och engagemang i projektorganisationer
Härom dagen presenterade jag en del av våra forskningsresultat och hur de kan appliceras i projektorganisationer på Projektforums frukostföreläsning. Bland annat pratade jag om hur tristess och engagemang hänger samman och att det kostar ofantliga summor varje år att ha uttråkad personal.