Igårkväll hade P4 ett inslag om tristess i våra liv. Markus hade förmånen att bli intervjuad om insikterna om hur expeditioner på Mount Everest hanterar det. http://t.sr.se/2ERBE4k
Tag: Mountaineering
“Boredom kills” – in the media again
The magazine “Chef” wrote yet a article about boredom. This time it was slightly more extensive and published both on the web and in the magazine itself. Pretty fantastic what kind of coverage this idea has contributed with.
Link to the web version: https://chef.se/10-tecken-pa-att-jobbet-trakar-ut-dig/
On boredom in the media – the magazine Arbetsliv
The magazine Arbetsliv is the largest magazine for working environment issues in Sweden. Recently they published a interview with yours truly on the research on boredom and its implications for managers regardless of business. You find the article here.
News about boredom in the media (again) – in Svenska Dagbladet
Svenska Dagbladet is collaborating with the magazine Chef. Chef is making another piece on our research on boredom. As part of that they are co-publishing the article in SvD. I am very happy to see that our research and efforts are making such a impact in the media. Hopefully someone reflects and puts it into action! You find the link to the article, here. And.. just so you know… NO, I did not climb Everest. But kind of wish I did.. Then again, it is never too late!
Interviewed by the magazine Chef on the risk and management of boredom
Last week I was interviewed by the magazine Chef on the insights from our research on boredom at Mount Everest. You find the article here: