Ok… I have not been very good at updating the website. Still, there is some news to share (see Twitter too..). These include:
- Started a new project with the Police. Following their Incident Command Center during the Corona crisis
- Had a paper published (Criminal Investigation in Rural Areas: How Police Detectives Manage Remoteness and Resource Scarcity) with Oscar Rantatalo and Ola Lindberg in Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice (https://academic.oup.com/policing/advance-article/doi/10.1093/police/paaa023/5864506)
- Co-convened the EGOS sub-theme on Extreme contexts.
- Been cited, twice, in Financial Times! (https://www.ft.com/content/dcfc4718-650e-4f0d-a4cf-93d09214ffdb and https://www.ft.com/content/01fd6ad5-b062-4699-b098-ab81bdc8f7b2)
- Had a paper accepted with Linda Rouleau and Mark De Rond in Journal of Management Studies, related to extreme contexts
- Launched the first Extreme Contexts virtual seminar series. Focus on COVID-19 & Extreme contexts
- And, most importantly, hiking twice in the Swedish mountains. Once with my son! It was amazing.