Learning about leadership & team dynamics in projects by way of the zombie apocalypse

Leadership and team dynamics are obviously important to any project setting. In the books and articles, it is typically described as something inherently positive and not that entirely complex. By examining a clip from the Walking Dead Series, and problematizing the notion of leadership and teams we learn a great deal about human behavior, in project settings, or apocalypses. What great fun to discuss such matters with the students at the master’s program in management! The case itself is developed with and from research with Professor David Buchanan (Photo: teaching these days]

Surviving a zombie apocalypse: Leadership configurations in extreme contexts

The dark side of group behavior: Zombie apocalypse lessons



Fick det här mailet idag från en gammal student; “Jag vill tacka dig för alla tips du gav oss, att startskottet för denna resa blev project management-kursen som jag läste i höstas och att jag nu står här med anställning och ett examensarbete som varit till stor nytta både för oss som “forskare” men också för företaget som verkligen implementerat flera av våra lösningar eller planerar att göra det.” 🙂

Känns bra när undervisningen verkligen går bortom den enskilda kursen och omsätts i praktik för både student och organisation.

Teaching project management to the Swedish police

The other week I had the pleasure and honor of teaching 16 managers within the Swedish police basic project management techniques. Rather than merely focusing on how to do it, we explored the consequences of the organizational form and how that may influence the individual, the project and the organization. Moreover we situated the project within the larger organization discussing and working with the challenges that follow when there is multiple projects at the same time. All in all, three full days of executive teaching and great fun!

Teaching zombie leadership in projects

Today I had the opportunity to do a workshop on leadership in projects. Nothing special about that, except that the case the master students were working with was the true classic. Late George Romero´s “Day of the Dead”, the third and final part of his “the dead” trilogy (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088993/). Of course popcorn was provided! The result from the case.. it seemed pretty successful..!

Skärmavbild 2017-11-13 kl. 21.51.44